Browse Real Meal Ideas
Homemade meal ideas for you and those you love. Allow these meal ideas to serve as cooking inspiration. Then use items you have on hand to create wonderful meals with your signature flavor & love!
Inspired Home Cooking
As a certified Health Coach with Health Coach Institute (HCI), Shaniqua takes a “real meals” approach to health. Using food as a basis for wellness, since it has direct input into one’s health, wellness, and vitality.
Smoothie Inspiration
Balanced smoothies pack a nutrient dense superfood punch! When creating recipes of your own, experiment with superfoods that boost your diet with nutrients you may be missing. For instance, the green power smoothie featured below is boosted with organic spirulina and almond butter. By adding just one teaspoon of spirulina, this smoothie is instantly loaded with Vitamin A, known to work as an antioxidant; good for healthy immunity, skin, and vision. While one tablespoon of quality almond butter provides added fiber and protein. Click here for more smoothie inspiration!
Flavored With Love!